

当蔬菜大军进军水果界,你是否会为此买单?在中国,部分色泽艳丽、风味独特的 “水果型蔬菜”,正逐步在蔬菜市场崭露头角,成为销售热点,深受健康饮食爱好者的喜爱。

When the army of vegetables marches into the fruit world, would you be willing to pay for them? In China, some "fruit-type vegetables" with bright colors and unique tastes have gradually become prominent in the vegetable market and are popular among health food enthusiasts.

被称为 “水果葱” 的章丘大葱于今年首次进入湖南长沙,由于入口脆甜、吃法多样,广受大众欢迎。除了章丘大葱,水果黄瓜、水果萝卜、水果甜玉米和水果番茄等 “水果型蔬菜”,也逐渐成为消费者追捧的新宠。

Zhangqiu green onions, known as "fruit onions", entered Changsha, Hunan for the first time this year. Due to their crisp and sweet taste and diverse ways of eating, they are widely welcomed by the public. Besides Zhangqiu green onions, other "fruit-type vegetables" such as fruit cucumbers, fruit radishes, fruit sweet corns and fruit tomatoes have also gradually become the new favorites sought after by consumers.


Industry insiders believe that fruit-like vegetables, as a supplement to people's dietary life, are bound to become a new normal. With the continuous upgrading of the consumer market, fruit-type vegetables will also change from being rare in the past to becoming common.

【Author:Fan Honghuan】 【Editor:谈诗谊】