

2024长沙马拉松赛事圆满成功,埃塞俄比亚选手表现出色,包揽男女组冠军‌。塔菲斯·德莱格·阿比以02:10:04的成绩获得全程马拉松男子组冠军,库夫图·塔希尔 ·达迪索以2:23:13的枪声成绩获得女子组冠军。

The 2024 Changsha Marathon was a tremendous success, with Ethiopian athletes shining and emerging victorious in both the men's and women's categories. Tafese Delelegn Abebe secured the men's title, completing the race in an impressive time of 02:10:04. Meanwhile, Dadiso Kuftu Tahir triumphed in the women's race with a remarkable gun time of 2:23:13.

【Author:柳静芸 邓迪】 【Editor:唐子路】