

African media professionals visiting China have been impressed by the country's advanced television production techniques, highlighting areas where their own industries can learn and grow.


Following a visit to a rehearsal for the Chinese music competition show Singer 2024 in Changsha, Hunan province, on June 20th, the 18 media workers were particularly impressed by the show's production values.

620日,这18位非洲媒体工作者在湖南长沙参观了中国音乐竞演节目《歌手 2024》的彩排现场,对该节目的制作价值印象尤为深刻。

They compared it favorably to established programs from the United States such as The Voice, American Idol and America's Got Talent.


Singer 2024, which features both international and local singers, airs live every Friday on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV online. The visiting professionals, hailing from seven African countries, including Eritrea, Lesotho and Nigeria, are participating in a 14-day tour organized by the Ministry of Commerce. Their itinerary includes visiting TV stations and media enterprises in Changsha, followed by visits to similar entities in Shanghai and Hangzhou, Zhejiang province.

歌手 2024》每周五在湖南卫视和芒果TV 在线直播,由国际和本土歌手共同演绎。来访的专业人士来自厄立特里亚、莱索托和尼日利亚等七个非洲国家,他们将参加由商务部组织的为期14天的旅行,行程包括参观长沙的电视台和媒体企业,随后参观上海和浙江杭州的类似机构。

Abubaker Lubowa, a photographer from Uganda National Media Group, admired the show's technical aspects. "The lighting, sound effects, microphones, musicians and cameras are just on point. This is something I have never seen in my life," he said.

来自乌干达国家媒体集团的摄影师Abubaker Lubowa对演出的技术水平赞不绝口。“灯光、音效、麦克风、音乐家和摄像都非常到位,这是我从未见过的。”他表示。

Despite the language barrier, Lubowa was captivated by the music and particularly enjoyed the performance of Taiwan singer Huang Hsuan. He noted the growth and depth of Chinese music, with artists performing with genuine emotion.


Lubowa emphasized the importance of African TV producers adapting to the shift in viewership away from traditional screens to smartphones and tablets, a trend he has observed in recent years.


Christelle Lebrasse, a senior news editor at Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation, praised the show's exceptional lighting design, describing it as being unlike anything she had seen before. She said the experience created by the multidirectional lighting, and the palpable emotions conveyed by the singers, was immersive. Lebrasse noted the seamless synchronization of the entire production throughout the hourlong rehearsal, highlighting the show's professionalism. She expressed confidence that Singer 2024 would be well-received by audiences in Africa and beyond, given growing global interest.

毛里求斯广播公司的资深新闻编辑Christelle Lebrasse 这场演出出色的灯光设计大加赞赏,并表示这是前所未见的。她说,多向照明营造出的体验以及歌手们传递出的丰富情感让人沉浸其中Lebrasse 指出,在长达一个小时的排练中,整场演出的同步性天衣无缝,彰显了演出的专业度。鉴于全球观众对《歌手2024》的兴趣与日俱增,她相信《歌手2024》一定会受到非洲及其他地区观众的欢迎。

Tiblet Tesfaye Dejene, a senior journalist from Ethiopia's Wazema Radio, described her experience as exhilarating, with the show's energy prompting her to dance and sing along during the rehearsal. She said the experience demonstrated China's growing global influence, exemplified by the show's inclusion of international singers. She commended the Chinese people for their welcoming nature, friendliness and dedication to hard work.

埃塞俄比亚瓦泽马广播电台的资深记者Tiblet Tesfaye Dejene表示这次体验令人激动,节目释放出的活力促使她在排练期间跟着一起载歌载舞。她说,这次经历展示了中国日益增长的全球影响力,节目中的国际歌手就是例证。她赞扬了中国人民的热情、友好和努力工作的奉献精神。

【Author:Zou Shuo】 【Editor:贾凯清】