就业不设限 长沙吸引青年人才“留下来”
Photo by He Wenrui from Changsha Evening News.
What profession is the most popular among the post-00s generation in Changsha? According to relevant surveys, 76% of the post-00s are willing to engage in or are currently engaged in emerging professions. Among those who are willing to take up flexible employment, being an online celebrity/vlogger, opening a store (including e-commerce), and video editing have become the top three popular side jobs. For many young people, as long as they like the job and have a decent income, they are willing to try various professions within their capabilities. They won't limit themselves because of their educational attainment. Starting a business has also become an option for some young people. A graduate said, "I came here (Changsha) to look for a job with the intention of accumulating some experience and broadening my horizons. Some of my friends around me, although they studied different majors, all have the idea of starting their own businesses."
Not long ago, Hunan Province set up an investment fund for college student entrepreneurship with a total scale of 505 million yuan to provide financial support for college students to start businesses in Hunan. College student individuals or teams who have not yet established enterprises have the opportunity to receive an investment of no more than 500,000 yuan in total. Changsha actively offers a series of support for the employment of the young group, such as youth hostels, rental and living subsidies, funds and venue policies to support entrepreneurship, etc., creating a large and flexible employment support system. More new professions, new fields and new development spaces are being discovered by the new generation of youth.