


“Let's go to the UK!” On the morning of July 21, the Campous Report Group organized by Changsha Evening News set off to the UK for their media art interview activities. This cultural exchange visit integrates media art interviews with the British education experience. The young reporters will take professional courses in media art and improve their media literacy, explore York City and London City in the UK, visit many British universities and historical and cultural attractions, and acquire abundant historical and cultural knowledge of the UK.


Besides, the group will hold a China (Changsha) Teenagers Intangible Cultural Heritage Artworks Exhibition in the center of York City. To better enhance friendship and facilitate cultural exchanges, they carefully prepared a variety of exquisite postcards, bookmarks, and outstanding traditional cultural works with Chinese characteristics, like paper-cutting, calligraphy, and painting.

【Author:Liao Xiaobin, Chen Zhiyou, Li Suxuan】 【Editor:李苏璇】