组建非洲本地团队 Kilimall助力中国品牌出海


“我知道Kilimall这个平台,身边很多人都在用!”在9月1日上午的参观现场,来自肯尼亚广播公司的OBRIEN KIMANI WARUI在Kilimall展台前竖起大拇指。这家成立于2014年、总部位于长沙的电商企业,却在大洋彼岸家喻户晓,是第一家在非洲设立海外仓,并且第一个在非洲实现物流当日达、次日达的中国电商平台。作为非洲人的“老朋友”,在2024湖南(长沙)跨境电商交易会上,Kilimall的展台吸引了众多非洲媒体的目光。

“I know Kilimall, a platform that many people around me use it!" OBRIEN KIMANI WARUI from the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation gave a thumbs-up in front in front of the Kilimall booth during the morning visit on September 1st.Kilimall, an e-commerce company founded in 2014 and headquartered in Changsha, is well-known across the ocean. It is the first Chinese e-commerce platform to set up an overseas warehouses in Africa and achieve same-day and next-day delivery in Africa. As an "old friend" to Africans, Kilimall attracted the attention of many African media at the 2024 Hunan(Changsha) Cross-Border E-Commerce Trade Fair.

“我们的目标是用技术赋能非洲本地人,组成高效的服务网络,来服务中国的品牌出海!” Kilimall常务副总裁谢斌在接受采访时表示,在“共创中非美好生活”的使命下,他们正通过跨境电商这一方式,搭建中非之间经贸往来的“快车道”。

"Our goal is to empower local Africans with technology, forming an efficient service network to support Chinese brands entering the international market!" During an interview, Kilimall’s Executive Vice President, Xie Bin, stated that they are building a "fast track" for trade between China and Africa through cross-border e-commerce under the mission of "Co-Creating a Better Life for China and Africa,"

【Author:Chen Xingyuan; Tan Shiyi】 【Editor:谈诗谊】